
up-comech-2022 :

Workshop on design and analysis of non-classical architectured materials

23th-27th May 2022, Fréjus (France)

Main topic

Mechanical architectured materials are designed to feature extreme or non-classical properties such as negative Poisson’s ratio or strain floppy modes. These emergent properties may require generalized continua such as strain-gradient or micromorphic continua in order to bring-out accurately the effective mechanical behavior.

The present workshop is dedicated to the understanding and the predictive modelling of these architectured materials. A particular attention will be paid to non-classical up-scaling methods, new topology optimization techniques, experimental characterization of the non-classical properties and the computational techniques required by generalized continua.


  • Up-scaling methods for non-classical continua in mechanics
  • Fabrication and testing of non-classical continua
  • Topology optimization of Metamaterials
  • Computational and numerical aspects

Confirmed keynote Speakers

  • Martin Wegener, (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
  • Valery P. Smyshlyaev (University College London, UK)
  • Muthusamy Vanninathan (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore, India)
  • François Jouve (Université Paris-Diderot, France)


The workshop will have a very limited number of participants (40). Please submit an abstract as soon as possible.

  • Abstract: 15th of March 2022 25th of March 2022 (firm deadline). Here is the template
  • Notification of acceptance and preliminary program: 21st of March 2022
  • Registration
    • openning: 21st of March 2022
    • closure: 20th of April 2022


  • Boris Desmorat (Institut D’Alembert, Sorbonne Université)
  • Arthur Lebée (Laboratoire Navier, École des Ponts - ParisTech, France)
  • Pierre Seppecher (Imath, Toulon university, France)

This workshop is funded by

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